Divine Technology Delhi, HDFC Bank Credit Card Scam


I made this blogspot to highlight a ongoing fraud done on the name of HDFC Bank Credit Card. If you are victim of the same then just forget your money or any help you are going to get from the Bank, from Police or from any government agency like RBI or SEBI. None of them are going to help you in this. I am going to provide a detailed information on the same so that in future if you are having such calls you can avoid the same.

There is a company named Divine Technology. They are Delhi based company. They own sites like dealsforholiday.com, musafirholiday.com, comboshopping.co.in, etc. A person call saying that they are calling from HDFC Bank Credit Card dept or Vista/Master Card dept. And we have a exclusive offer for you. They have details about your Credit Card Number, Full Name, Address, etc. This is the banking procedure to verify a account holder. And they know this process very well. They will provide you a offer on your existing Credit Card. Like limit upgrade, travel discount, onlineshopping discount, etc. And will ask you to follow a simple banking procedure to pay the same. Last time they called me and said that they from bank. So I agreed with the process. As I had bought two medi claims similarly from HDFC on phone. Later on when I check my bank statement I found the cost of Rs.7894 was on the name of Divine Technology. This company does not has any contact number nor any official email id.

I reported the same to HDFC Customer Care. First through call. I send them a Charge back form also. But the Credit Card department has nothing to do here. According to them it is account holders liability. I told them that someone is calling on your bank name and doing the fraud. They know all the information about account holder and they also know the bank verification process. You must work on that and stop them.

I first contacted Hostgator, who is the web hoster for dealsforholiday.com. They clearly regretted. I also send them a copy of police complain. They want police to call them and then they will give the billing address of person who own the site.

Second I contacted the bank for solution, they are not ready to help. HDFC being a reputed bank has no department for fraud prevention. There is not a single person who can listen and offer you a solution. For security point of view this bank has nothing. I don't know how this banks gets leading bank in India awards. While they have no answer on a single account holders query. I closed my current account in the bank. I have a saving account which I will also close soon and will hot list the card by finalizing all the payment.

I contacted the Facebook Page of HDFC Bank. And from last few days I am asking for an answer. All I get is a automated reply. That wait back we will contact you. Mr. Balaji of Credit Card dept. has no answer. I don't understand how the data gets leaked. Because it is not easy to fool anyone unless you have full information about the person. And the data remains with the bank. All you get is stupid replies.

More information on Divine Technology Scam:

There are people who had faced this issue and they have surely contacted HDFC bank for the issue. But still it is continuous and these people are fooling on the name of HDFC Bank Credit Card dept. Below you can see links where many others have reported the same. And bank here does not care. Even after having more than 15 email communication nothing happened. They just send you automated emails. They have servers to do that, but there is no one you can block such scams and protect others from the same.
  1. http://www.consumercourtforum.in/f68/cheating-fraud-95024/
  2. http://www.consumercomplaints.in/complaints/fake-list-companies-fake-list-companies-c760456.html
  3. http://www.complaintboard.in/complaints-reviews/hdfc-bank-credit-card-l13490.html
  4. http://cybercrimecomplaints.com/content/call-divine-technologies-stating-20-discount-all-transactions-0
  5. http://www.complaintboard.in/complaints-reviews/hdfc-bank-credit-card-l13490.html
  6. http://www.consumerpatrol.in/cheating-fraud-2525
I had drafted a mail and sent the entire report to HDFC. Below is some pdf files related to this company details. I had sent this to HDFC Corporate, HDFC PR, HDFC Credit Card Dept, SEBI, RBI Ombudsman and Mumbai Cyber Cell. But no one has an answer neither anyone respond. It looks in our country everything is taken is granted.

 Download Files Related to Divine Technology Scam 

Mahatma Gandhi's Three wise monkeys - Bura Mat Dekho, Bura Mat Bolo, Bur Mat Karo.
Our systems and corporates Three wise monkeys- Three wise monkeys - Kuch Mat Dekho, Kuch Mat Bolo, Kuch Mat Karo.

Hope this information can guide someone to avoid such scams. As nobody cares. So please be alert and do not accept such calls. The banks job is end by opening your account and giving you a credit card. That's it. They will actively debit your account with different charges for service they offer. The might also be the leading bank, but when it comes to customer interest and security they are total dumb. I will keep on posting and sharing information like on HDFC Bank if any I found more security holes in its process.

Write to me on raj.2364@yahoo.in if you need any more information or any guidance about the fraud. I can send you some procedure to visit and contact the right authority for reporting. But as usual remember justice in our country is like crawling snail in any matter.


  1. we received good holiday package from this company we will use this again...

    1. It's been 3 years...ab tho sudhar jao year. ...not fit yourself but atleast for your kid...

  2. Divine technologies is a good holiday provider company we will use this again ..

  3. you will be duped.. for that.. i had faced issue. its your choice. by the way.

  4. first of all these companies are situated in different cities, they have your card details,, etc..if you want to pay.. go ahead.. but my experience was very bad...

  5. i again bought this package and they provided me the good services again sometimes it happens when we face some issues and when i bought this again i faced a hotel room issue that the room was not up to date according to what i booked for..so i called them on the same time then they took the initiative and the was resolved by providing me the another room.thanks a lot to this company.


    1. The biggest fraud I have ever seen in the name of credit card of HDFC bank. They directly deny to provide the services and ask to visit the Bank for refund.. They are cheater don't trust them.

    2. The biggest fraud I have ever seen in the name of credit card of HDFC bank. They directly deny to provide the services and ask to visit the Bank for refund.. They are cheater don't trust them.

    3. Manish Kumar-9910959882.he is the fraud...I got my money back from him

    4. Dear Punit,

      as discussed, the company that had called me posing as Kotak Manhindra
      Bank is called "Divine Technologies" in Delhi. There are other
      companies with same name but this one has a travel website called
      http://www.dealforholidays.com/ .

      The number i received the call from is 8459476360. The guys name was
      Kunal and he started the whole drama. He later denied that he said he
      was from Kotak, he still maintained the same story and said that the i
      would have shared the credit card details with someone else. He
      constantly kept in touch with me throughout so that i don't doubt his
      intentions until i blocked the card.

      Check the same company has done the same with others, read the
      complaint on this link:

      Infact this complaint helped me get the landline number/ reception
      number of this company (the victim has listed it) and i matched it to
      the number on the site (contact us section)

      When i attached the police complaint and sent it to the fraudulent
      company's email at info@dealforholidays.com, they took me seriously.
      Until then they maintained that they were innocent and someone else
      was framing them.

      The other numbers involved are

      8800757328 (reception divine technologies),8459798269 (claims to be
      aakash, kept promising me the refund but switched off his phone later
      ),9266675846 (claims to be from Quality department of divine
      technologies, called me regarding the refund and spoke in fluent
      Tamil. tried to convince me that it was not their fault),01142750000
      (divine technologies claimed that this company was
      responsible),8595332399 (claims to be karan from living plus, the
      other merchant transaction name that appeared on my credit card
      statement, promised to refund his portion of 7999). One guy who
      constantly pacified me when i located the fraudulant company,
      apologized for the mishap but still maintained innocence was "Naveen
      Tiwari", probably assigned to calm me down and make sure i withdraw
      the police complaint. Naveen Tiwari's
      numbers:8459425008,9136239646,9212345749,9136042376. Naveen kept
      insisting that the fraud who called me "Kunal" was a young boy and
      used Kotak banks name just to make a sale. He asked me to spare him
      and forgive him. This way we know that they were doing the fraud all
      this while.

      When i mailed them the police complaint, the "so called" director of
      this fraud company mailed back saying that they are not responsible
      but will still try to help. he replied from a hotmail id manish vij
      . I tracked this name along with company name
      (divine technologies) online through a search and found his number in
      an Ad. His name is Manish Kumar-9910959882. When i called this number,
      Naveen Tiwari picked the phone and said that he is with the Director
      Manish Kumar regarding my case. I asked him to pass the phone to
      manish and he maintained that this is happening without his knowledge
      and that someone is conspiring against him.

      After continuous threats of arrest, these people have finally refunded
      on portion, the first transaction of 6850 and Manish has promised to
      return the rest through DD. awaiting the receipt of the DD and hope to
      get my money back.Naveen Tiwari is still in touch with me and
      coordinating the return of the money.

      I hope this will help others who have been cheated by the same people
      and i am sure there are many more.

      if you need any more info, i can also share the mail exchanged between
      me and the fraudulent company.

      They are continuously in touch with me insisting that i take back the
      police complaint.

      Please feel free to get in touch with me if you need any further info.

    5. Manish is not an employee he runs this fraud year. ..I have already informed by banks 3 years back

    6. definitely the reply in support is done by one their the companies personal.

  6. Fraud company...... Manish Kumar is their own employee..... Cheating with me.....but I caught their fraud.... Ha ha ha...........sab bekar.... Package holiday..... 30% off.......

    1. I have given you the details above. Call him track him down. He sent me the money via DD after tracking him down for a month last year. He sent me DD via courier...can you imagine how much I would have threatened him

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. hi their i'm happy with services i'm fully satisfied with this product just last month i'm availing my holiday that is great i don't have any issue i'm happy with the same


    1. Can you show the proof of your receipt of the package which they had offered to you

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. hii divine.. actually last year i used ur package that is good.. and now i want to avail your package one more time.. so i hope your arrangements wil be excellent this time.. thanks

    1. I m writing them but not getting any reply even approached below provided number but not getting any proper response since 17th May. so can you tell me how you availed it and who contacted you
      Dear concern

      Till date have not received My Order. it has Already Crossed 19 day's Since Booking.
      May I know when shall I receive.
      helpline no-011-68777702 / 011-47090270

    2. Manish Kumar-9910959882 call this guy now and blast him...I got my money 3 years back when I was cheated...He never thought I will track him down like a ghost...

    3. His email I'd manish.udc@hotmail.com

    4. Mail sent to my bank 3 years back regarding Manish and his fraud. All numbers and details in this mail. Help yourself

      Dear Punit,

      as discussed, the company that had called me posing as Kotak Manhindra
      Bank is called "Divine Technologies" in Delhi. There are other
      companies with same name but this one has a travel website called
      http://www.dealforholidays.com/ .

      The number i received the call from is 8459476360. The guys name was
      Kunal and he started the whole drama. He later denied that he said he
      was from Kotak, he still maintained the same story and said that the i
      would have shared the credit card details with someone else. He
      constantly kept in touch with me throughout so that i don't doubt his
      intentions until i blocked the card.

      Check the same company has done the same with others, read the
      complaint on this link:

      Infact this complaint helped me get the landline number/ reception
      number of this company (the victim has listed it) and i matched it to
      the number on the site (contact us section)

      When i attached the police complaint and sent it to the fraudulent
      company's email at info@dealforholidays.com, they took me seriously.
      Until then they maintained that they were innocent and someone else
      was framing them.

      The other numbers involved are

      8800757328 (reception divine technologies),8459798269 (claims to be
      aakash, kept promising me the refund but switched off his phone later
      ),9266675846 (claims to be from Quality department of divine
      technologies, called me regarding the refund and spoke in fluent
      Tamil. tried to convince me that it was not their fault),01142750000
      (divine technologies claimed that this company was
      responsible),8595332399 (claims to be karan from living plus, the
      other merchant transaction name that appeared on my credit card
      statement, promised to refund his portion of 7999). One guy who
      constantly pacified me when i located the fraudulant company,
      apologized for the mishap but still maintained innocence was "Naveen
      Tiwari", probably assigned to calm me down and make sure i withdraw
      the police complaint. Naveen Tiwari's
      numbers:8459425008,9136239646,9212345749,9136042376. Naveen kept
      insisting that the fraud who called me "Kunal" was a young boy and
      used Kotak banks name just to make a sale. He asked me to spare him
      and forgive him. This way we know that they were doing the fraud all
      this while.

      When i mailed them the police complaint, the "so called" director of
      this fraud company mailed back saying that they are not responsible
      but will still try to help. he replied from a hotmail id manish vij
      . I tracked this name along with company name
      (divine technologies) online through a search and found his number in
      an Ad. His name is Manish Kumar-9910959882. When i called this number,
      Naveen Tiwari picked the phone and said that he is with the Director
      Manish Kumar regarding my case. I asked him to pass the phone to
      manish and he maintained that this is happening without his knowledge
      and that someone is conspiring against him.

      After continuous threats of arrest, these people have finally refunded
      on portion, the first transaction of 6850 and Manish has promised to
      return the rest through DD. awaiting the receipt of the DD and hope to
      get my money back.Naveen Tiwari is still in touch with me and
      coordinating the return of the money.

      I hope this will help others who have been cheated by the same people
      and i am sure there are many more.

      if you need any more info, i can also share the mail exchanged between
      me and the fraudulent company.

      They are continuously in touch with me insisting that i take back the
      police complaint.

      Please feel free to get in touch with me if you need any further info.

  11. Manish Kumar-9910959882. Call the main fraudster now

  12. Mail sent to my bank 3 years back regarding Manish and his fraud. All numbers and details in this mail. Help yourself 

    Dear Punit,

    as discussed, the company that had called me posing as Kotak Manhindra
    Bank is called "Divine Technologies" in Delhi. There are other
    companies with same name but this one has a travel website called
    http://www.dealforholidays.com/ .

    The number i received the call from is 8459476360. The guys name was
    Kunal and he started the whole drama. He later denied that he said he
    was from Kotak, he still maintained the same story and said that the i
    would have shared the credit card details with someone else. He
    constantly kept in touch with me throughout so that i don't doubt his
    intentions until i blocked the card.

    Check the same company has done the same with others, read the
    complaint on this link:

    Infact this complaint helped me get the landline number/ reception
    number of this company (the victim has listed it) and i matched it to
    the number on the site (contact us section)

    When i attached the police complaint and sent it to the fraudulent
    company's email at info@dealforholidays.com, they took me seriously.
    Until then they maintained that they were innocent and someone else
    was framing them.

    The other numbers involved are

    8800757328 (reception divine technologies),8459798269 (claims to be
    aakash, kept promising me the refund but switched off his phone later
    ),9266675846 (claims to be from Quality department of divine
    technologies, called me regarding the refund and spoke in fluent
    Tamil. tried to convince me that it was not their fault),01142750000
    (divine technologies claimed that this company was
    responsible),8595332399 (claims to be karan from living plus, the
    other merchant transaction name that appeared on my credit card
    statement, promised to refund his portion of 7999). One guy who
    constantly pacified me when i located the fraudulant company,
    apologized for the mishap but still maintained innocence was "Naveen
    Tiwari", probably assigned to calm me down and make sure i withdraw
    the police complaint. Naveen Tiwari's
    numbers:8459425008,9136239646,9212345749,9136042376. Naveen kept
    insisting that the fraud who called me "Kunal" was a young boy and
    used Kotak banks name just to make a sale. He asked me to spare him
    and forgive him. This way we know that they were doing the fraud all
    this while.

    When i mailed them the police complaint, the "so called" director of
    this fraud company mailed back saying that they are not responsible
    but will still try to help. he replied from a hotmail id manish vij
    . I tracked this name along with company name
    (divine technologies) online through a search and found his number in
    an Ad. His name is Manish Kumar-9910959882. When i called this number,
    Naveen Tiwari picked the phone and said that he is with the Director
    Manish Kumar regarding my case. I asked him to pass the phone to
    manish and he maintained that this is happening without his knowledge
    and that someone is conspiring against him.

    After continuous threats of arrest, these people have finally refunded
    on portion, the first transaction of 6850 and Manish has promised to
    return the rest through DD. awaiting the receipt of the DD and hope to
    get my money back.Naveen Tiwari is still in touch with me and
    coordinating the return of the money.

    I hope this will help others who have been cheated by the same people
    and i am sure there are many more.

    if you need any more info, i can also share the mail exchanged between
    me and the fraudulent company.

    They are continuously in touch with me insisting that i take back the
    police complaint.

    Please feel free to get in touch with me if you need any further info.


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