Woman scammed for 3.8 Lakhs On Cancel Cheque for Loan

Warning: While applying for Loan, better visit Bank's official branch. Do not trust on Agents or 3rd party loan providers, they can manipulate your data.

A Delhi Woman scammed for Rs.3.8 Lakhs as she gave a signed check to an agent who promised her Loan of certain amount. The news is published by India.com below is a extract. Click the source link for full details.

Unfortunately, she did not cancel the cheque by herself and left it for the agent to do it. Taking the advantage of the situation, the agent only drew a line in the space that is meant to write the beneficiary’s name.
Stay alert, bank scams are very common now a days, it is very easy for banking personals, agents to get your data.

 Delhi Woman Gave a Canceled Cheque For Loan; Cost Her 3.8 Lakh


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